When Monopiles Don’t Work: Fixed Wind Foundation Selection
EVENT: ACP Offshore WindPower
18 Oct 2022
Monopiles are the de facto solution for offshore fixed wind developments for good reason. They are a simple low-cost solution with well-established fabrication, transportation and installation procedures. However, the industry drive for larger higher power turbines and expansion into deeper waters is pushing the technical limits and feasibility of this field proven industry solution. As an example, the overturning moment for a 15MW turbine more than doubles in comparison to a 10MW turbine, necessitating much larger diameter monopiles and associated installation vessels and hardware.
This paper refers to a location where monopiles prove to be technically challenging, considering development specific parameters, such as the turbine size, water depth, geotechnical conditions, environmental requirements, available installation vessels and local regulatory requirements.

Mike Campbell
Global Director, USA

Mike Campbell
Global Director, USA
Mike is a Global Director and vice president of 2H’s Houston office, where he is responsible for the management of the engineering group. Mike has over 22 years of experience dedicated to riser engineering, ranging from conceptual design and feasibility to detailed design, installation, monitoring and operational integrity management for all types of riser systems and subsea equipment. He has authored numerous technical publications including fatigue analysis methods and the use of field measurements to benchmark and improve design tools. Mike is a graduate of the University of Sheffield, UK, and has a bachelor’s degree in mathematics and physics.

Luiza Ferreira
Principal Engineer, Ventura, USA

Luiza Ferreira has twelve years’ offshore engineering experience and currently is the Principal Engineer for renewable energy engineering activities for 2H Offshore’s California offices. She spent four years leading renewables engineering for 2H’s UK offices. She specialises in system engineering for floating and bottom-fixed offshore wind foundations and wave energy converters, and also has expertise in numerical analysis, structural design and engineering of subsea riser and conductor systems, including hybrid risers, rigid risers, drilling and completion risers, and flexible risers.

Ben Andrew
Director, UK

Ben has over 17 years of specialist engineering experience in the design and analysis of offshore platforms, foundations, cables, and riser systems. He has held numerous project management and technical leadership roles on a variety of projects from concept through to detailed design based out of our London, Kuala Lumpur and Houston offices.
As one of the UK directors, Ben’s current focus is on the development of our minimum facilities platforms and fixed offshore wind offerings for the European, Middle East and Africa markets. Ben is a graduate of Oxford and Imperial Universities with a Bachelor’s degree in Mathematics, and a Master’s in Quantum Physics.