Our capabilities cover a variety of engineering disciplines that enable us to offer complete project lifecycle support for complex offshore projects. We apply unparalleled domain expertise, top-notch analytical skills and a practical understanding of hardware and installation to design inventive solutions for energy infrastructure in oil and gas, fixed and floating wind and decarbonisation.

2H provides high-quality geoengineering and site characterisation consultancy services, delivered through our team of experienced and pragmatic geotechnical engineers.
More about GeoconsultingServices

Comprehensive planning, project management, permitting and environmental engineering services to help energy clients working in strictly regulated locations achieve their project goals safely and in compliance.
More about Planning & EnvironmentalServices

2H designs a variety of systems for the offshore oil and gas and renewable energy sectors leveraging unrivaled engineering expertise in marine structure dynamics and knowledge of practical implications such as delivery, fabrication, transportation and installation.
More about System Design & EngineeringServices

A comprehensive suite of delivery management services to ensure a seamless journey from hardware concept design to operations.
More about Hardware Design, Fabrication & DeliveryServices

Independent transportation and installation services for a variety of offshore oil and gas platforms and fixed and floating offshore wind systems.
More about Transportation & Installation Support
Advanced engineering services and tools to simplify asset operations and maintenance, minimise risk of failure, and prolong asset life.
More about Integrity, Life Extension & MonitoringServices

A holistic approach to decommissioning to maximise operations, optimise logistics and schedules, minimise risk, reduce costs and protect the environment.
More about Decommissioning & End of Life