TRACS JIP – TTR Life Extension Process
1 Aug 2021
The Tensioned Riser Assessment for Continued Service (TRACS) JIP develops a structured life extension process for TTR systems including single casing, dual casing, buoyancy can supported and tensioner supported TTRs. The JIP bridges regulatory and API frameworks and achieves industry consensus on analysis, inspections, and documentation.
The life extension process developed in this JIP consists of detailed roadmaps that guide the operator through the different assessment steps starting from initial data gathering through to the development of the forward-looking IMP. The JIP life extension process is based on a threat assessment philosophy which ensures identification and assessment of all possible threats to the integrity of the TTR in its extended life.
The JIP process is validated against three real life TTR systems that are nearing the end of their design lives. Potential threats to the integrity of these TTRs during the projected continued service beyond the design life are identified and specific inspection and analysis recommendations to safely manage or mitigate these threats are made.
The JIP also provides TTR life extension analysis guidance while considering the opportunities to reduce conservatism compared to new designs. Inspection of TTRs is challenging due to accessibility issues and the pipe in pipe construction. Several subsea NDE inspection tools are surveyed in this JIP and their applicability to TTRs is discussed.
Dhyan Deka
Senior Engineering Specialist
Dhyan has over 17 years of experience in project management and technical leadership of riser and conductor engineering projects. He has led numerous design, integrity management and life extension projects both as the owner’s engineer as well as the verification agent. Dhyan is the project manager of the two premier riser joint industry projects – STREAM and TRACS JIP.
As one of the principal engineers in the Houston office, Dhyan’s focus is the expansion of our riser and umbilical life extension offering, both locally and abroad. Dhyan has a Bachelor’s degree from IIT Guwahati and a Master’s degree from the Ohio State University, both in Mechanical Engineering.

Mike Campbell
Global Director, USA

Mike Campbell
Global Director, USA
Mike is a Global Director and vice president of 2H’s Houston office, where he is responsible for the management of the engineering group. Mike has over 22 years of experience dedicated to riser engineering, ranging from conceptual design and feasibility to detailed design, installation, monitoring and operational integrity management for all types of riser systems and subsea equipment. He has authored numerous technical publications including fatigue analysis methods and the use of field measurements to benchmark and improve design tools. Mike is a graduate of the University of Sheffield, UK, and has a bachelor’s degree in mathematics and physics.

Vinayak Patil
Principal Integrity Specialist, Clarus Subsea Integrity, Houston

Vinayak has over 16 years of experience in the development and execution of subsea integrity management programs, riser life extension assessments, and corrosion engineering. His areas of expertise include risk assessments, key performance indicator development, corrosion management, and life extension assessments.
Vinayak is heavily involved in the TRACS joint industry project which is focused on the TTR life extension process.
Vinayak has a Bachelor’s degree from the University Institute of Chemical Technology, India, and a Master’s degree from the University of Louisiana, Lafayette, both in Chemical Engineering.
Michael Long Ge
Subsea Wells Analysis Lead - BP
Steve Wong
Senior Riser Engineer - Shell
Tim Frame
Facilities Engineering Advisor - Occidental Pretoleum