

2H helps clients accelerate their path to net zero by applying proven system design and combining it with new technology to avoid, reduce and remove carbon emissions.

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Key Personnel
Pierre Guerin
Pierre Guerin

Director, France

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Outside-the-box engineering to support the transition to clean energy 

Lowering carbon emissions and decreasing their impact are the greatest challenges that we face today. Despite the transition towards renewable energy, an accelerated and multifaceted approach will have a bigger positive impact on greenhouse gas emissions.  

At 2H, we are helping clients rethink their offshore energy operations and are committed to enabling them lower their carbon impact through innovative system design and new technologies.   

Key Personnel
Pierre Guerin
Pierre Guerin

Director, France

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Holistically exploring all opportunities to lower carbon

We help our clients to assess all of their options and the technologies available to deliver the maximum CO2 benefit and devise the most economical and efficient way to execute it. We are driving three main approaches to help make energy greener.

1. Prevent

Preventing future carbon emissions by enabling and optimising clean sources of energy and replacing fossil fuels.

2. Reduce

Reducing carbon emissions by improving the efficiency of existing conventional energy production & operations.

3. Remove

Removing carbon & GHG emissions by developing innovative solutions for gas & carbon capture and long-term storage.

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