Offshore Malaysia Flexible Riser Annulus Testing
2H delivered a comprehensive flexible pipe annulus testing campaign, interpreted test findings and provided integrity recommendations for 14 flexible risers offshore Malaysia.
East Malaysia
East Malaysia
East Malaysia
How 2H added value
This was a collaborative effort with expertise and insight provided by our flexible pipe specialists, offshore engineers and integrity engineers to deliver a holistic approach to testing and a comprehensive engineering appraisal and recommendations report.
We leveraged our independence from flexible riser suppliers to offer an unbiased, fit-for-purpose approach for the on-going management and maintenance of the different risers.
Our FlexTest flexible riser annulus test kit is the most advanced on the market offering tests that other do not, such as the vacuum testing, positive pressure testing and annulus gas sampling which were critical in establishing system integrity in this campaign.
Our many years of experience designing riser systems for this region meant we knew the types of conditions these risers had been operated under and gave us insight into what to test for and the most appropriate remediation measures for continued operation.
Not only was the condition of each riser established, but a comprehensive post-testing analysis and appraisal reporting was delivered to the client to safeguard the on-going operational integrity of the risers.