Clamping Unseated Wellheads for Life Extension
1 Mar 2020
This presentation discusses the following:
Captain B overview
Conductor and riser system overview
Operational timeline
Global riser analysis activities
Historical fatigue assessment
Residual fatigue life for sidetrack operations
Fatigue challenges
Wellhead dislocation
Examination of recovered wellhead
Wellhead thermal growth study
Wellhead clamp design
Clamp overview
FE Analysis
Manufacture and testing

Tze King Lim
Technical Manager

Tze King Lim is Technical Manager for 2H Offshore in Perth, Australia. He specialises in the design, analysis and monitoring of drilling risers, subsea well, jack-up rig and jacket platform conductors, and completion, workover and intervention risers and has over 17 years of industry experience. Tze has a MEngSc in Petroleum Engineering from University of New South Wales.