2H Leads Development of Offshore Platform Conductor Integrity Management Guidelines
2H Offshore has jointly developed the “Guidelines for the Integrity Management of Offshore Platform Conductors” on behalf of the Energy Institute.
7 Apr 2021
2H Offshore has jointly developed the “Guidelines for the Integrity Management of Offshore Platform Conductors” on behalf of the Energy Institute.
7 Apr 2021
The publication, developed by 2H Offshore and Acteon Group companies Clarus Subsea Integrity, Claxton Engineering, Pulse Structural Monitoring and Core Grouting Services, provides guidance to address structural integrity management of offshore platform conductors and to ensure good practice regarding the design, operation, and integrity management of the wells during their lifetime. The guidelines are applicable to shallow water platform conductors which use surface wellheads and focus on the integrity management of untensioned systems. The guidelines are applicable to conductors at all stages of their life from design though to late life. Information on the well integrity issues faced by conductors is provided alongside guidance for advanced engineering analysis, inspection/monitoring techniques and appropriate remediation technique.
The guidance document was published in March 2021 and is available for download now from the Energy Institute’s website.
2H Offshore’s Elaine Whiteley, senior engineer and project lead for the guidelines, said “With many assets, particularly in the North Sea, approaching and exceeding their intended design lives, a number of conductor integrity issues are recurring in the industry. We developed this guidance document in collaboration with the Energy Institute to encourage best practice in the industry with respect to managing the structural integrity of conductors; including how to design against these issues in new conductors and providing guidance on how to assess and remediate integrity concerns in existing conductors.”
The Energy Institute (EI) is the global professional body for the energy sector, delivering good practice information and guidance on a range of topics in support of safe and responsible generation of energy now and during the transition to a low carbon economy. One of their areas of focus is on asset integrity and ensuring that existing installations, particularly mature installations, are fit for purpose.